The Ultimate Guide to Financial Planning for Divorcees

Joshua Dunlop |

Divorce Financial Planning - financial planning for divorcees

Image Alt Text: Divorce Financial Planning - financial planning for divorcees

Quick Guide to Financial Planning for Divorcees:

  • Gather all financial documents like bank statements, tax returns, and insurance policies.
  • Create a budget based on your new income and expenses.
  • Get an understanding of your assets and debts to know what you’re working with.
  • Consult with professionals like divorce financial planners, and attorneys for specialized advice.
  • Update your estate plan, including your will and beneficiary designations.

Divorce or the loss of a spouse is not just an emotional rollercoaster but also a critical financial turning point in one’s life. Feeling lost, vulnerable, and uncertain about the future is common. But with the right strategy and guidance, this life transition can be an opportunity for growth and empowerment. The key is not to wait too long before taking control of your financial situation. Start by gathering all necessary documentation and understanding your current financial landscape. Consider working with a financial advisor to navigate through assets and debts division, adjusting your budget, and rethinking your financial plan for the future. This guide aims to simplify complex financial topics and offers practical steps to help you take charge of your finances during and after a divorce.

Infographic addressing the key steps for financial planning during divorce, including document gathering, budget creation, asset and debt review, consulting with professionals, and updating estate plans for a secure financial future. - financial planning for divorcees infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Image Alt Text: Infographic addressing the key steps for financial planning during divorce, including document gathering, budget creation, asset and debt review, consulting with professionals, and updating estate plans for a secure financial future. - financial planning for divorcees infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Understanding Financial Divorce Planning

When you're going through a divorce, it's like you're trying to put together a puzzle, but you're not sure if you have all the pieces. Financial planning for divorcees doesn't just help you find those missing pieces; it helps you see the whole picture. Let's break down the key areas you need to focus on: asset division, retirement accounts, alimony payments, debt management, and budgeting.

Asset Division

Dividing assets might feel like splitting your life into two. Jared Spinelli, a divorce attorney, points out that "It is more common than many people realize that during a divorce we find out that one (or both!) parties had a secret bank account, or secret credit card." This is why the initial financial discovery is crucial. You need to know exactly what you're dividing.

Key Tip: Start with a complete list of your assets. Don't forget anything that might be out of sight, like digital assets or memberships.

Retirement Accounts

Retirement accounts are often the biggest asset couples have. Money in retirement accounts will be fully taxable as regular income, except for Roth accounts, where funds can be tax-free when holding periods are met.

Case Study: Consider the situation where one partner has a significantly larger retirement fund. The division of these funds needs to be handled carefully to ensure both parties have a secure future.

Alimony Payments

Alimony, or spousal maintenance, can be a tricky area. It's determined by several factors including the length of the marriage, the standard of living during the marriage, and each spouse's earning capacity.

Fact: The person paying alimony can often deduct it from their taxes, providing a slight financial relief.

Debt Management

Debt doesn't disappear after a divorce. It's divided, just like assets. This includes mortgages, car loans, and credit card debt.

Statistic: A study found that divorced individuals have 30% more debt than married individuals. It's crucial to have a clear plan for managing and dividing debt.


Creating a post-divorce budget is like drawing a map for your new financial future. It helps you understand your financial standing and plan for the future.

Quote: "Look beyond the normal monthly expenses and include things like your holiday trips, vacations and seemingly ‘one-time’ expenses like replacing the dishwasher," advises Avani Ramnani, a certified divorce financial advisor.

Next Steps:

As you move forward with your divorce, financial planning is about more than just dividing assets and debts. It's about setting the foundation for your future. In the next section, we'll dive into preparing for divorce financially, including getting organized and creating a budget that reflects your new reality.

By understanding these key areas, you can navigate the financial aspects of your divorce with confidence and clarity.

Preparing for Divorce Financially

Divorce is not just an emotional journey but a financial one too. Getting your finances in order is a crucial step in preparing for the road ahead. Here’s how you can start:

Get Organized

The first step in financial planning for divorcees is to get organized. This means creating a clear picture of your current financial situation. Start by making a list of all your assets and liabilities. This includes everything from your bank accounts, retirement accounts, and property, to your credit card debt and loans.

Gather Key Documents

Next, you need to gather all your key financial documents. This list should include:

  • Bank statements from the past year
  • Retirement account statements
  • Investment account statements
  • Loan ledgers (mortgage, auto, personal)
  • Credit card statements from the past year
  • Recent pay stubs
  • Lists of assets and debts before and after marriage
  • Income tax returns from the past three years

These documents paint a detailed picture of your marital financial health and are essential for both legal and planning purposes.

Create a Budget

Budgeting is your roadmap to financial independence post-divorce. Start by tracking your income and expenses to understand where your money goes each month. Don't forget to include occasional expenses like holidays and maintenance costs. This will help you anticipate your future financial needs and adjust your spending accordingly.

Asset Inventory

Take stock of all your assets. This includes not just the obvious ones like your home and vehicles, but also less tangible assets such as retirement accounts and investments. Knowing what you have is the first step in understanding how it might be divided.

Prepare for Resistance

Not every spouse will be forthcoming with financial information, especially in contentious divorces. Be prepared for some resistance when trying to gather documents or information. In such cases, legal avenues may be necessary to ensure transparency and fairness in the division of assets and liabilities.

By taking these steps, you're not just preparing for the financial implications of divorce; you're laying the groundwork for your future financial well-being. With everything organized and a clear budget in place, you’ll be better positioned to make informed decisions during the divorce process.

Next, we'll delve into the complexities of dividing assets and debts, including understanding the tax implications and best practices for ensuring a fair and equitable division.

Dividing Assets and Debts

Dividing assets and debts is a critical step in financial planning for divorcees. It's not just about splitting things down the middle. You have to consider the future value of assets, tax implications, and how to divide debts fairly. Let's break it down into simpler parts.

Retirement Accounts Taxation

Retirement accounts are a big part of the divorce asset division. But here's the thing: not all retirement money is treated the same way by the tax man. Money in retirement accounts like a traditional IRA or 401(k) will be taxed as regular income when you withdraw it. However, Roth accounts are a bit different. If you've had the Roth account for a certain period, you can withdraw funds tax-free. This difference makes Roth accounts potentially more valuable in a divorce settlement.

Brokerage Accounts and Cash Assets

Brokerage accounts and cash are simpler. They don't have the same tax baggage as retirement accounts. Cash is cash. And investments in a brokerage account may only face capital gains tax when sold, which can be lower than regular income tax rates. This means, after the divorce, cash and investments in a brokerage account could stretch further than the same amount stuck in a retirement account.

Marital Home Division

Deciding what to do with the marital home can be tough. If you sell the home, you might exclude up to $500,000 of the gain from your taxes if you're filing jointly. That's a big tax break that can make selling and splitting the proceeds attractive. But if one of you wants to keep the home, you'll need to consider refinancing to get the mortgage in one person's name. This can affect your credit and your ability to afford the home on a single income.

Debt Allocation

Debts need to be divided just like assets. But it's not just about splitting them 50/50. You should consider who benefited from the debt and who can afford to pay it off. For example, if one person racked up a lot of credit card debt on personal items, they might be responsible for paying it off. Or, if one person is keeping the car with an outstanding loan, they should probably take over the loan payments.

Remember: The goal in dividing assets and debts is to reach a fair outcome that considers the future value and tax implications of each asset. It's not just about what's fair today but what will be fair down the road.

Dividing Assets and Debts - financial planning for divorcees

Image Alt Text: Dividing Assets and Debts - financial planning for divorcees

Moving forward, after you've navigated through the division of assets and debts, focus on rebuilding and protecting your financial future. This includes updating your estate documents, ensuring your insurance policies are in order, and creating an emergency reserve. These steps are crucial for safeguarding your financial well-being post-divorce. Let's explore these post-divorce financial planning steps in the next section.

Post-Divorce Financial Planning

After the dust of divorce has settled, it's time to look ahead. Your financial landscape has changed, and so should your financial plan. Let's break down the essentials of post-divorce financial planning into clear, manageable steps.

Updating Estate Documents

First things first, it’s time to refresh your estate plan. This might sound complex, but it’s really about making sure your wishes are clear on what happens to your assets if something happens to you. This includes updating your will, power of attorney, and healthcare directives. Think of it as a way to ensure that the people you care about are taken care of, according to your current wishes, not outdated ones.

Beneficiary Designations

Next up, check who’s set to benefit from your retirement accounts and life insurance policies. You probably don’t want your ex-spouse to remain as the beneficiary unless required by your divorce agreement. This step is surprisingly simple but can have a big impact. It’s usually as easy as filling out a form with your account provider.

Insurance Policies

Review your insurance coverage. This includes health, life, auto, and homeowner’s insurance. Circumstances have changed, and your insurance needs might have too. Maybe you need less coverage, or perhaps you need more. It’s all about making sure you’re not overpaying but still have solid protection.

Creating an Emergency Reserve

Having a stash of cash for emergencies is like having a financial safety net. Aim to save enough to cover three to six months of living expenses. This fund can be a lifesaver if unexpected costs pop up. It’s your buffer against life’s surprises.

Income Safety Net

Lastly, think about creating an income safety net beyond your emergency fund, especially if your income fluctuates. This could mean exploring options like annuities or other investments that provide a steady income. It’s about adding another layer of security, so you’re not just relying on your emergency fund.

By taking these steps, you’re not just moving on from your divorce; you’re building a strong foundation for your future. Financial planning for divorcees isn’t just about sorting out the past. It’s about taking control and making proactive decisions to protect and enhance your financial well-being.

In the next section, we’ll dive into key financial moves to make after your divorce, ensuring you’re fully equipped to start this new chapter of your life.

Key Financial Moves After Divorce

Retirement Plan Updates
After a divorce, it's crucial to look at your retirement plans. You might need to change who gets your money if something happens to you. This means updating your 401(k), IRA, and any other retirement accounts. If you had your ex as your beneficiary, now's the time to choose someone else. Your future is important, and making sure your retirement plans reflect your new life situation is a big step in the right direction.

Estate Plan Overhaul
Your will, trusts, and other estate documents likely need a big update post-divorce. You probably don't want your ex-spouse to make decisions for you if you get sick or to inherit your assets. Meeting with an estate planning attorney to make these changes is a smart move. It ensures your wishes are followed and that your loved ones are taken care of according to your current preferences.

Insurance Coverage Review
Life changes, and so should your insurance. After a divorce, review your life, health, auto, and home insurance policies. You might need less coverage, more coverage, or different coverage altogether. For example, if you're paying alimony or child support, you might want a life insurance policy that protects those payments. Or, if you've moved, make sure your home and auto insurance reflect your new situation.

Credit Score Check
Your credit score is like a financial fingerprint, and divorce can smudge it. Joint accounts, loans, and credit cards need to be dealt with carefully. Make sure all joint accounts are closed or transferred to one person. Then, get a copy of your credit report. Look for any errors or accounts you don't recognize. If you find anything wrong, get in touch with the credit bureau to fix it. A good credit score can make your future financial endeavors much easier.

New Financial Team
Divorce can mean it's time for a new financial team. This might include a financial advisor, accountant, and perhaps a new bank. Your needs have changed, and you want professionals who understand your current situation. A financial advisor can help you make a plan for your future, while an accountant can make sure you're taking advantage of all tax benefits available to you. Choosing the right team can make a big difference in your financial health post-divorce.

Moving forward, it's all about setting yourself up for success. These key financial moves after divorce are designed to protect your assets, ensure your wishes are respected, and help you build a stable, prosperous future. It's not just about the money; it's about peace of mind and security for you and your loved ones. With careful planning and the right support, you can navigate this transition and come out stronger on the other side.


Navigating through a divorce is undoubtedly challenging, both emotionally and financially. However, it's crucial to remember that you're not alone in this journey. At NewMaker Financial, we specialize in financial planning for divorcees, offering you the guidance and support needed to make informed decisions during this critical time.

Our team is committed to helping you understand the complexities of your financial situation, from dividing assets and debts to updating your estate plan and insurance policies. We believe in empowering our clients with knowledge and tools to secure their financial futures.

Here are a few key takeaways to remember:

  • Early Planning is Crucial: Don't wait until after your divorce is finalized to start thinking about your financial future. The earlier you begin planning, the better prepared you'll be.
  • Seek Professional Advice: Financial planning for divorcees can be complex. Working with a professional can help ensure that nothing is overlooked and that you're making the best decisions for your unique situation.
  • Focus on the Future: While it's necessary to deal with the immediate financial implications of a divorce, it's equally important to plan for the long term. This includes retirement planning, estate planning, and ensuring you have a solid income safety net.

At NewMaker Financial, we're here to help you through every step of the process. Our comprehensive financial planning services for divorcees are designed to address your current needs while also laying the groundwork for a secure, prosperous future.

A divorce marks the end of one chapter in your life and the beginning of another. With the right planning and support, you can turn this transition into an opportunity for growth and empowerment. Let us help you build a financial plan that reflects your goals, values, and the life you wish to lead post-divorce.

To learn more about how we can assist you, or to schedule a consultation, visit us at NewMaker Financial. Together, we can navigate the complexities of divorce financial planning and help you emerge stronger on the other side.