Step-by-Step Guide to Divorce for Women in Denver County

Charlene Laney |

Denver Colorado - guide for divorce women denver county


Are you looking to navigate your way through a divorce in Denver County, but feel overwhelmed by the complexity of it all?

We understand how daunting this process can be. Divorce is not just an emotional journey; it's also a financial labyrinth filled with intricate laws and legal issues. That's why we have created this comprehensive guide for women in Denver County. We aim to demystify the divorce process and help you understand your rights, what to expect, and most importantly, how to address your financial security during and after the process. As a woman going through a divorce in Denver County, it's not just about arriving at the other side, it's about getting there in the most financially stable way possible.

We, at NewMaker Financial, are professionals in financial planning during divorce and are here to help. So let's start by talking briefly about how divorce works in Colorado and the crucial role that financial planning plays throughout this process.

  • Understanding Divorce in Colorado: Colorado is an equitable distribution state, meaning assets are divided fairly during divorce, though not necessarily equally. It's critical to understand the laws guiding this asset division as well as child custody and alimony agreements.

  • The Importance of Financial Planning in Divorce: The financial decisions you make during your divorce have long-term implications. From an accurate evaluation of marital assets to handling tax implications and liquidity concerns, financial planning can be the difference between an equitable outcome and financial distress.

Infographic on Divorce and Financial Planning - guide for divorce women denver county infographic pillar-5-steps

In the comprehensive guide that follows, we will delve deeper into these aspects and give you a step-by-step roadmap to navigate your divorce in Denver County. We understand that this is a challenging time, but with the right guidance and support, we believe that you can transform this crossroads into a path to a more secure financial future.

Understanding Your Rights and Entitlements in a Divorce

As a woman seeking a divorce in Denver County, having a clear understanding of your rights and entitlements is paramount. This will empower you to make well-informed decisions and take control of your financial future. We at NewMaker Financial are here to guide you through this process.

Property Division in Colorado Divorce

In Colorado, the property is divided as equitably and fairly as possible during divorce proceedings. This doesn't necessarily mean a 50-50 split, but rather the division is based on what the court considers fair, factoring in each spouse's financial situation, contributions to the marriage, and other circumstances.

In most cases, property acquired during the marriage is considered marital property, regardless of who earned it, and is subject to division. This includes real estate, retirement accounts, and investments. However, any property acquired before marriage or received as a gift or inheritance during marriage is generally considered separate property and is not divided.

There are no set rules about who will get the marital home. The court's decision depends on multiple factors, such as each spouse's financial resources, the needs of any children, and the ability of each spouse to maintain the home.

Alimony and Spousal Maintenance in Colorado

Alimony, also known as spousal maintenance, is a financial support paid by one spouse to the other after divorce. Colorado courts look at several factors to determine if spousal maintenance is appropriate and, if so, the amount and duration of payments. These factors include each spouse's financial resources, the marriage's length, the standard of living during the marriage, and each spouse's age and health.

It's crucial to note that spousal maintenance is not a guaranteed right in a Colorado divorce. If awarded, it is typically temporary and designed to allow the recipient spouse to become self-supporting.

Child Custody and Support in Colorado

Child custody and support are critical issues in any divorce involving minor children. Colorado courts prioritize the best interests of the child when making custody decisions. This often means that the courts prefer arrangements where both parents share responsibility and have frequent, continuing contact with the children, provided there are no extreme circumstances like abuse or neglect.

Child support in Colorado is calculated using a formula that considers both parents' incomes, the number of overnight stays each parent has with the children, and any extraordinary expenses for the children. Child support payments are not tax-deductible for the payer and are not considered taxable income for the recipient.

Taking the time to understand your rights and entitlements in a divorce can help you feel more confident and prepared for the journey ahead. We at NewMaker Financial are here to support you every step of the way. Our expertise and personalized approach can help you navigate the complex financial landscape of divorce and secure your financial future.

Preparing for Divorce: Practical Steps

Understanding the divorce process can feel overwhelming, especially when you're dealing with the emotional toll of ending a marriage. However, having a step-by-step guide for divorce women Denver county can help alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty. Below, we'll outline the key steps in preparing for a divorce in Denver County.

Understanding Colorado Divorce Requirements

The first step in preparing for a divorce is understanding the basic requirements in Colorado. In order to file for divorce, at least one spouse must have lived in the state for a minimum of 90 days. When filing for divorce with kids, the children must have resided in Colorado for at least six months (or since birth if they are under six months old) before the petition for divorce is filed.

Consulting with an Attorney

Though not mandatory, consulting with an attorney can be beneficial in understanding your rights and obligations, as well as the potential implications of certain decisions. Choosing the right attorney is crucial. The right attorney should be experienced and knowledgeable, and someone you trust. You have the right to change your attorney if you're unsatisfied with their service.

Preparing Your Divorce Forms

Colorado provides every form you need to complete your divorce. These forms will require detailed information about your income, assets, and debts, and any child custody or support issues if applicable. It's essential to fill out these forms accurately and thoroughly as they will play a significant role in the court's decisions.

Serving Your Spouse

After preparing the divorce forms, they must be served to your spouse. Serving means officially delivering the papers to your spouse, either personally, through a private process server, or in some cases, by mail. Keep proof of service as it shows the court that your spouse has received the divorce papers.

Completing and Filing Documents

Once served, the divorce documents must be filed with the appropriate Colorado court. This step makes the divorce process official and sets it in motion. Filing also sets a timeline for responses and hearings.

Attending a Court Hearing

If you and your spouse cannot reach an agreement on all issues, you must attend a court hearing. During this hearing, each side presents its case, and the judge decides on contested issues like division of assets, child custody, alimony, and more.

Navigating through a divorce involves juggling various tasks, from understanding legal requirements to handling paperwork and court appearances. At NewMaker Financial, we understand the stress and uncertainty that come with these challenges. That's why we're committed to providing professional financial guidance to support you in this major life transition. Whether it's understanding potential tax liabilities or planning for life after divorce, we're here to help you navigate the financial complexities of divorce.

Navigating the Divorce Process

The divorce process can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with issues such as mediation, determining who files first, and deciding what to do with the marital home. In this guide for divorce women Denver County, we aim to ease these stressors by providing clarity and guidance on these critical aspects.

The Role of Mediation in Colorado Divorce

In Denver County, mediation plays a key role in settling divorce cases amicably. It's an alternative to traditional court proceedings where a neutral third party helps both parties reach a mutually advantageous agreement. This process is often less contentious and can result in more satisfactory outcomes, as you and your spouse have a direct role in crafting the terms of your divorce.

At NewMaker Financial, we encourage mediation as it often allows for more control over the outcome and can result in less emotional distress and financial burden. However, we recommend you also consult with a financial advisor to fully understand the implications of the proposed agreement on your financial future.

The Impact of Who Files for Divorce First in Colorado

In Colorado, who files for divorce first does not have a bearing on the divorce proceedings or the outcome. The state follows a "no-fault" divorce policy, meaning the court does not assign blame to either party. It's crucial to understand this as it can ease some of the emotional burden tied to the divorce process.

Even though who files first does not impact the final divorce settlement or custody arrangement, it's still important to be prepared. We advise taking the time to gather all relevant financial information, understand your financial situation, and seek advice from professionals. This will help you make informed decisions when it comes to your divorce.

Dealing with the Marital Home in a Divorce

One of the biggest questions in a divorce is what happens to the marital home. In Colorado, any property acquired during the marriage belongs to the person who earned it, and is divided as fairly as possible during a divorce. However, there are no set rules for who gets the home.

The court takes into consideration factors like the financial circumstances of both parties, the contributions each made to the home, and the needs of the children, if any. Keeping the marital home may come with significant financial responsibilities, such as mortgage payments, property taxes, and maintenance costs.

At NewMaker Financial, we can help you assess the financial implications of keeping your home post-divorce. Our team can guide you in understanding your options and making decisions that align with your financial goals.

Navigating the divorce process can be challenging. However, with the right guidance and a clear understanding of the process, it's possible to make decisions that are in your best interest and set you up for a more secure financial future.

Financial Planning and Management During Divorce

The Importance of Financial Planning in Divorce

Navigating a divorce is not just about separating lives, it's also about separating finances. This process can be complex and emotionally draining. As you take this significant step, have a clear understanding of your financial situation and the potential implications of your decisions.

At NewMaker Financial, we understand the complexities of divorce, and we are here to guide you through this challenging time. We believe that sound financial planning during divorce can help protect your financial future and provide you with a sense of security and control.

Managing Assets and Debts During Divorce

When it comes to the division of assets and debts, Colorado law requires an equitable distribution. This doesn't necessarily mean a 50/50 split, but rather a fair division. Assets can include homes, vehicles, retirement accounts, and other investments. Debts can encompass loans and other monetary obligations.

Understanding what constitutes separate and marital property is crucial. Generally, marital property includes all property acquired during the marriage, except for property acquired by gift, inheritance, or in exchange for a gift or inheritance. If you want to keep your pre-marital or separate property from being subject to division in your divorce, some precautions can help protect your interests. These include keeping separate assets titled only in your name and avoiding the use of marital funds to maintain your separate assets.

Moreover, the division of assets like real estate, retirement accounts, and investments requires careful planning to avoid unnecessary tax liabilities. Certain transactions, if not handled correctly, could trigger tax consequences. We at NewMaker Financial can guide you through these potential tax liabilities and help you structure your divorce settlement to optimize tax outcomes.

Planning for Life After Divorce

Planning for life after divorce is just as important as managing the divorce process itself. You'll need to update your beneficiary designations on retirement accounts and life insurance policies, revise your estate plan, and create a realistic post-divorce budget.

A post-divorce budget should reflect your new income and expenses, helping you understand what your post-divorce lifestyle will look like. At NewMaker Financial, we can help you create a budget that provides a solid foundation for your future financial stability.

Rebuilding your finances after a divorce is a process. It requires patience, perseverance, and sound financial planning. But with the right plan in place, you can navigate this new financial landscape with confidence and ease.

In conclusion, financial planning and management during a divorce are crucial for securing your financial future. At NewMaker Financial, we are here to provide you with the guidance and support you need as you navigate through this challenging time. We hope that this guide for divorce women Denver county has provided you with valuable insights and has made this process a little less daunting.


The Importance of Support and Guidance During Divorce

As we navigate through the complex and emotionally charged process of divorce, it's important to remember that you don't have to do it alone. The right support system can make all the difference. This can include legal professionals, financial advisors, and even support groups.

In Denver County, there are several resources available, including divorce support groups that provide a platform to share experiences and gain emotional support. These groups are an invaluable resource for those going through this challenging time .

Professional support is also crucial. Engaging with a divorce attorney can ensure that you understand your rights and entitlements and are equipped to make informed decisions. Furthermore, a financial planner with expertise in divorce, like us at NewMaker Financial, can guide you through the financial complexities of divorce, from asset division to tax implications and future financial planning.

Moving Forward After Divorce: A Financial Perspective

Divorce is undoubtedly a challenging life transition, but also one that presents opportunities for financial independence and growth. With the right planning and guidance, you can not only survive your divorce but thrive financially in your new future.

This includes managing alimony and child support, planning for retirement, and updating estate documents post-divorce. Each aspect requires careful consideration and strategic planning. At NewMaker Financial, we specialize in helping clients navigate these changes through our comprehensive retirement planning and estate planning services.

Post-divorce financial planning is not just about managing your money. It's about setting new goals, making informed decisions, and taking control of your financial future. We are here to provide professional advice and compassionate support, helping you transition to your new financial life with confidence.

We hope that this guide for divorce women Denver county has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of the divorce process and its financial implications. If you have any further questions, or if you are ready to take the next step in your financial journey post-divorce, we invite you to reach out to us at NewMaker Financial.

For more resources, check out our education center where we have a range of articles on navigating major life transitions, including divorce.

woman looking at financial planning - guide for divorce women denver county

Every end is a new beginning. Divorce is not the end of the road. It's the start of a new journey. And we're here to walk with you every step of the way.


This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax or legal advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific situation with a qualified tax or legal advisor.